2013. február 24., vasárnap

Copenhagen Food Fair

Copenhagen, inter alia famous for its impressive gastronomy culture (you might heard about the Danish Blue cheese (best!!!!), the Anthon Berg Chocolate and Marzipan, and believe me - the Danish pastries are fantastic) and the world’s best restaurant called Noma is also in Copenhagen. Furthermore at the worldwide professional cooking competition -Bocuse d’Or-  Jeppe Foldager chef won the silver medal for Denmark (right after France). 

Taking the fact that I live here, I could not skip the possibility of visiting the Food Fair, which took place at Bella Center (this conference center/exhibition mall - which also made me unusually happy, because it means dress & heels day´s today hahaha).

I don´t want to say too much. Enjoy the pictures! :)

2013. február 23., szombat


I have just seen an inspiration video from A. Schwarzenegger today which is really good I think (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANvdrxfiebs) and he told a saying by one of his heroes, Muhammad Ali, which remained in my mind keenly.

Mohammad Ali answered to the question: -How many sit-ups are you doing a day? -“ “I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. That is when I start counting, because then it really counts.”

- No pain, no gain.

So great, so true.


2013. február 22., péntek

first nice moments in 2013

2013 started very nicely. I finally moved out from Shit, the first semester passed, I have worked, studied, and gained lovely experiences, and not really nice ones as well, but I am pretty sure they will become one of the most important life-experiences. :)
I spent 3 days at home again in January, which was unbeliavable short, but incredibly many things happen, I really enjoyed it. And then here back in Denmark also. Next week I am moving again...I do not even counting anymore how many times have I moved in my life, but I can state very confidently two hands wouldnt be enough. :D Anyways, I am really looking forward to it (as always). :)